This is the total number of cases in each local authority since the start of the pandemic.This is the total number of cases in each local authority since the start of the pandemic.
This is the total number of cases in each local authority since the start of the pandemic.

Covid in Lancashire: This is how many cases there have been in each local authority since the start of the pandemic

On Thursday the number of people who had tested positive for Covid in Lancashire since the start of the pandemic reached 100,000.

As of Thursday, January 21, 2021, the total number of people with at least one positive Covid-19 test result in Lancashire since the start of the pandemic was 100,894.

In the same period, there had been 2,897 deaths confirmed in the county, where the death certificate mentioned Covid as one of the causes.

Below are the total number of cases on January 21, 2021, for each Lancashire local authority since the start of the pandemic (Listed from lowest to highest positive tests):