Going Green: Finding ways to help reduce skyrocketing power bills headache

Insulating your home is most effective way to reduce heating billsInsulating your home is most effective way to reduce heating bills
Insulating your home is most effective way to reduce heating bills
Follow going green advice from green campaigner Angela Terry.

Green campaigner and consumer expert, Angela Terry, separates climate change facts from fiction and explains how you can take simple, practical steps to help save the planet. Follow @ouronehome & visit https://onehome.org.uk/ for more advice.

Q: I hear my gas bill could sky rocket.

What can I do to reduce it, other than turning off the heating?

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Ed Sheeran aims to rewild as much of UK as possible

A: Soaring gas prices have dominated recent headlines.

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Sadly, the exorbitant bills that are driving the cost-of-living crisis could last for two years – according to Centrica, the UK’s biggest energy supplier.

Here are three things you can do to make your home more efficient ...

Check for leaks

Eco-friendly natural cleaners. Vinegar and essential oilEco-friendly natural cleaners. Vinegar and essential oil
Eco-friendly natural cleaners. Vinegar and essential oil

The UK has the oldest and leakiest housing stock in Western Europe.

Less than two per cent of our homes score in the top energy efficiency rankings.

This pushes up bills and emissions.

Find out where heat is escaping from your home.

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Impact of wood burning stovesImpact of wood burning stoves
Impact of wood burning stoves

There are companies that can do this for you, using thermal imaging equipment. Surveys start at around £100.

For a DIY approach, on a windy day you could check around windows and doors for draughts, blocking any gaps with self-adhesive foam strips.


Insulation is the most effective way of reducing your heating bills, according to the Energy Efficiency Infrastructure Group, a coalition of businesses and charities.

Better insulation could save the average household more than £500 per year.

Insulate your property as much as possible.

Your roof is especially important.

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Heat rises, which means around a quarter of all home heat loss is out the top. Make sure your loft insulation is at least 30cm thick.