Modern slavery is happening now

Some of the driving licences seized as part of a modern slavery operation. Pic: Northumbria Police.Some of the driving licences seized as part of a modern slavery operation. Pic: Northumbria Police.
Some of the driving licences seized as part of a modern slavery operation. Pic: Northumbria Police.
Look closer and modern slavery could be happening right in front of you '“ that's the message from Lancashire Constabulary as part of their week of action.

Until Friday October 21, 2016, officers will be out in force carrying out checks on premises such as nail bars, car washes, massage parlours and properties suspected of being used as brothels, in a bid to find any potential victims and to ensure that our communities have a better understanding of what modern slavery is.

Representatives from the police and modern slavery charities in Romania will also be visiting Lancashire during the week to see how the constabulary is tackling the issue. This will also act as an opportunity to reinforce relationships with the foreign authorities to better support trafficking victims.