Extra support for victims of domestic abuse in Lancaster, Morecambe and surrounding areas

Independent domestic violence advocates and domestic abuse specialist nurses will be on hand to support victims and to help them and their children with their immediate safety and long-term plans.Independent domestic violence advocates and domestic abuse specialist nurses will be on hand to support victims and to help them and their children with their immediate safety and long-term plans.
Independent domestic violence advocates and domestic abuse specialist nurses will be on hand to support victims and to help them and their children with their immediate safety and long-term plans. | jpimedia
Police officers will be responding to domestic abuse reports alongside a trained NHS domestic abuse specialist in Lancaster and Morecambe, as well as Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre, providing additional support to victims.

Independent domestic violence advocates and domestic abuse specialist nurses from Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust will be on hand to support victims and to help them and their children with their immediate safety and long-term plans.

Insp Jon Smith said: “We recognise that the current advice to isolate and stay at home is proving challenging for many people – but particularly those who are in abusive or violent relationships.

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“We remain committed to tackling domestic abuse and supporting victims during this period. It’s really important that people are aware that help is still available for anyone who is experiencing domestic abuse and that the household isolation instruction does not apply if you need to leave your home to escape domestic abuse.”

Officers will also be out delivering leaflets to households which contain contact details for domestic abuse support agencies across the area.

Insp Smith added: “We are keen to let people know that we are here to help if they need support. I would also urge friends, family and neighbours to let us know if you think someone might be suffering. Please don’t ignore it.”

Clive Grunshaw, Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire, added: "Our homes should be places of safety but unfortunately this isn't the case for everyone. I am pleased to see the continued commitment to tackling domestic abuse and supporting those affected and it is important to let people know that help is available to all who need it at this time."

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You can report domestic abuse online at lancashire.police.uk/reportcrime or by calling 101. If someone is at risk of immediate harm, dial 999.

If you are unable to speak on the phone, you can ring 999 from a landline and respond by coughing or tapping the handset, pressing ‘55’ when prompted by the operator. This lets the 999 call operator know that it’s an emergency and you aren’t safe to speak.

Domestic abuse support is available from the following:

Lancashire Victim Services: 0300 323 0085

Lancashire Refuges: 0300 303 3581

Fylde Coast Women’s Aid: 01253 596699

Safenet (Blackpool): 01253 347119

Wish Centre (Blackburn with Darwen): 01254 260465

National Domestic Abuse helpline (24 hours): 0808 2000 247

Men’s Advice Line (national): 0808 801 0327

Galop (national LGBT+) 0800 999 5428

Childline: 0800 1111